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Geoff Dyer : Out of sheer anger

It is not quite like that with the...

History Masterclass

They were all naughty and undressed, as befits...

What are fairies for?

Not very simple. Everything is uptight, the world like us...

Author Karma

After a brief preamble to coercion, I will report it to the Hall of Mirrors...

Richard Serra (1938-2024) – A monument of sculpture leaves the art world

With the death of Richard Serra on March 26, the world of art suffered a tremendous loss. This American artist, who was particularly known for his impressive...

Basquiat’s legacy: A modern look at a genius of art

Basquiat's unique style, characterized by bold colors and provocative motifs, revolutionized the art world. His legacy continues to inspire artists today and challenges us to see the world with new eyes.


She was a strange creature, half woman, half bird, with the head and upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a hummingbird and...

Have a nice day, Mr. White

The hearty difts diggingly when orcs harass each other. Their laughter growls more like an attack from pulse busters, and yet there is no worry of being overwhelmed...

Blogging, Art and Therapy

Actually and besides, I have always been the blogger that I am now, the narrative threads that I create here in free thinking, loving, acting are...


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Geoff Dyer : Out of sheer anger

It is not quite like that with the...

History Masterclass

They were all naughty and undressed, as befits...

What are fairies for?

Not very simple. Everything is uptight, the world like us...

Author Karma

After a brief preamble to coercion, I will report it to the Hall of Mirrors...